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Wednesday 14 May 2014

How to Raise Gifted Children (Part 1)

What makes a child grow into a brilliant adult? Here's how to nurture the genius in your child (hint: take some advice from the ones before us!) 

From Mozart in the womb to French, Piano and Ballet lessons in preschool, there are many parents eager to give their children a jump-start on the sort of smarts and resourcefulness our modern-day lifestyle requires and equates with success. 
Our children's performance lags behind as we watch countries like China, Singapore, and South Korea and Even the United States of America churn out the next generation of math and science whizzes and business entrepreneurs. Where have we miscalculated when it comes to smartening up our kids? And when we say that a child is smart, what do we mean?

Sometimes it's simply that s/he started talking early, or that she wrote her name when others her age could barely wield a crayon. But other timesit's that je ne sais quoi. The kid has it: a curious, intuitive, natural maturity that makes the stand out.

So what is this Genius,  that we all crave for our children, and what can you do to help your child get it?

Genius, Defined

First things first: “Genius” is a cultural term. There is no statistical definition of genius. Even the well-known international high-IQ society Mensa's stringent testing identifies not “geniuses” but, rather, people whose ability and creativity put them in the top 2 percent of the population.

Now down to the brass taxes WHAT CAN WE DO?


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